Web Updates¶
There are a lot of components, of the firmware and of the software, that can be updated. The update process is managed in this part of the software.

Updates need to be copied from the AiM server to the local PC drive. Updates for firmware need to be tranmitted to the AiM devices.
AiM Tech Tips short video, held by Bryc Talley, named “RaceStudio3 Download and Update”.
Click here to open the August 15th, 2024 video.
AiM Tech Tips short video, held by Bryc Talley, named “Updating MyChron5”.
Click here to open the August 14th, 2024 video.
At the top left corner of the page, look for two separate tabs: Firmware and Display. They refer to the two main things that can be updated.
Updates for Firmware and Software¶
This window is vertically divided in two parts: left and right.
The left part features the list of connected devices.
The right part is the list of all latest software and firmware versions available on AiM server, for all the AiM devices.
Let’s see all the buttons in the top toolbar: download updates, install sw, export/import, update device.
Download Software and Firmware Updates¶
After selecting the devices you want the firmware of, the download button starts the download process.
The first time you enter the Web Updates page, all the rows of the list will be enabled b default. Every time AiM publishes a new version, this list will enable the newly available ones.
Take care that the download process is separate from the update process, that needs to be manually triggered.
Export and Import Updates¶
Through this operation you can copy an update to or from an external drive.
Install a New RaceStudio 3 Version¶
The ‘Install SW’ button launches the most recent RaceStudio 3 installer downloaded on the PC.
Update Your Device¶
The ‘Update Device’ button copies all the files of the most recent firmware to the user chosen connected device.
Updates for Display Resources of Configurations¶
The graphical resources for AiM devices are the feature that weigh the most among all the stuff that AiM distribute online. All these graphical resources used to be into the installer, this implied that all AiM users, at every update, used to download all the graphical resources of all the devices, even if they didn’t use them. Add that the very most of AiM users use a MyChron or a Solo, that don’t feature any graphical resource, and it’s immediate that most of the users used to download a lot of stuff with a high likelyhood of being unused. hence the decision of having the graphical resources to be downloaded separately.
Let’s see all the buttons in the top toolbar: download resources, export/import, download all.
Download Graphical Resources¶
You can select wether to download all graphical resources of all devices, or the resources of only the ones you want to download the resources of, right after having selected them into the list.
Export and Import Graphical Resources¶
Through this operation you can copy a graphical resources file to or from an external drive.