Configuration of Devices¶
The vast majority of AiM devices need a configuration to program the way they work. Such configurations are managed by this part of the software.

The devices configurations manager is a database, the window of which is vertically divided in two parts: left and right.
The right part is a configurations list, in which, by default, all configurations are shown. For each configuration you’re prompted the most important information, and there are buttons for the main operations you can do on configurations.
The left part is the ‘filtering’ part, in which you can drive a subset of configurations to be shown instead of the complete list. From top to bottom in the column, you find: all configurations, devices, manual collections, connected devices. This last ‘connected devices’ item will be described in the part dedicated to devices.
All Configurations¶
Select this item in the left column and the list of configurations will include all, at present, the configurations available in the software database.
At the very first use of RaceStudio 3, selecting this item the right part of the page will show an empty list. Click ‘New’ button to create a new configuration or ‘Import’ button to add a configuration from a drive or again click ‘Receive’ button to load in RaceStudio 3 database the configuration of any connected AiM device.
Configurations of Specific AiM Devices¶
Creating or importing configurations for different AiM devices the list on the left will populate showing a row for each device.
Selecting any device item in the devices list on the left, the configurations list on the right will show only the configurations available in the database for that device.
Configurations in Manual Collections¶
Configurations can be grouped as wished creating “Manual collections”. This can be done clicking on the cogged wheel icon right of “Manual collections” item. Name the collection as you wish in the window you’re prompted anc click OK. The new collection folder appears under the “Manual collections” item. After dragging and dropping the configurations in the folder, they will be shown in the list of configurations when clicking the collection folder.
List of Configurations¶
The top right toolbar allows the user to perform different operations, i.e.:
- New/Clone/Delete
adds or removes a configuration; ‘new’ button adds a configuration from scratch, while ‘clone’ makes a copy of an existing one.
- Import/Export
‘import’ adds a configuration to the software database copying it from an external drive, ‘export” copies a configruation from the software database to an external drive.
- Receive/Transmit
adds a configuration to the software database copying it from the connected device, or transfers a configuration from the PC to the connected device.
- AiM Support
sends a configuration to AiM support service, allowing the user to add a message.