Registration, Feedback and Support¶
Registering for AiM RaceStudio 3¶
Starting from July 2020, in RaceStudio 3 you have the option to become a registered user. Look for the “Log in” icon in top right toolbar.

Knowing who’s pleased to use our software allows us a more direct feedback and a warmer cooperation;
Weather information is available for the place and time of every session (up to 1 year back), and is available as forecast in the tracks database page;
Access to AiM Cloud services, i.e. saving data and profiles on the cloud, a small amount of space is freely available and additional space is available for purchase.
Clicking the above icon will trigger a menu. To register, choose “Register on AiM Website”. Click here to open the Official AiM registration webpage. Fill all the fields and click “Register”. Open your mail client and look for an email from Click the “Activate your Account” button. If you don’t confirm clicking on the button, RaceStudio 3 will not be able to perform the login.
Go back to RaceStudio 3, and, after clicking the above icon, select the menu “Login with your credentials”. You’ll be prompted the login window.
Fill the Mail and the Password fields with user name and password chosen during the registration and click the “Log In” button. RaceStudio 3 “Log in” icon will now be drawn as a racing helmet.

You will not need to enter user name and password every time as RaceStudio 3 safely stores them. New menu items will be available from now on.
Send Feedback to AiM
Manage My Account on AiM Website
Change Logged in User
Log Out
Log Out and Forget me
The “Send Feedback” menu will give you the possibility to send feedback and suggestions to AiM software team.
The “Manage your account on AiM website” menu will redirect your internet browser on AiM user account webpage, in which you’ll be able to manage your account.
The “Change Logged in User” menu will open the login dialog box, so for you to be able to manage a second possible RaceStudio 3 user.
The “Log Out” menu will let you go back having RaceStudio 3 behave as an unregistered user.
The “Log Out and Forget Me” menu will do the same, ensuring that RaceStudio 3 deletes every trace of your account and password.
In case you forgot your password.
Click here to open the Official AiM “forgot password” webpage.
Feedback and Support¶
You have several possibilities to get in contact with the development team in Italy or the support team.
The first one is via email. Please use one of the mail addresses “” or “”. In case you’re submitting an issue, we kindly ask for data or everything else that’s needed to make us able to reproduce the issues you tell us about.
In case you’re a registered user you can go for two other ways.
The second way you have is to click the user icon in the top toolbar of RaceStudio 3 main window, and select the “Send Feedback” menu. We advise you to write here opinion or suggestions. All of them are being read by the development team.
The third way is, while editing a configuration or a custom sensor, or viewing some data in analysis database, is to click on the “AiM Support” or the “To AiM” icon. This way the selected configuration or the selected session will be uploaded to the team.